Definition DSG Leadership
“DSG leadership = vulnerable, safe and confident listening attentively to others and empowering them and achieve better results based on a greater balance between the needs of colleagues and organizational goals.”
In practice, according to us as DSG Platform, it looks like this:
“Developing a vision together with others, within a mentally safe environment, where everyone is free to say what they want and think and where inquisitive leaders who are willing to learn remain connected to themselves and dare to be vulnerable, while acknowledging co-workers inspiring and encouraging them to express their feelings.
Thanks to this vision, a leader can map out a clear course (goal?) for the organization based on trust, respect, equality and clarity, inspiring and motivating the team, not only to achieve better results but also to support co-workers on their quest to thrive as professionals.
As authentic leaders, they know where the needs of each individual lie and don't forget to include co-workers in the decision-making process.
And finally, leaders who take into account that it is possible to “care” about others and listen to co-workers with sincere interest. Only then you can, as a leader, have an eye for the team’s well-being and performance within the organization and achieve goals in a synergetic and effective way.”
This definition of DSG leadership is largely in line with the results of the scientific study 'Engaging leadership in the job demands resources model' by Wilmar B. Schaufeli. What links our mission/vision to this scientific model: “Since engaged leaders, who inspire strength, and connect their followers, provide a work context in which employees thrive, organizations are well advised to promote engagement leadership.”
This scientific study into the effectiveness of the JDR model has shown that focusing on energy sources at work has a greater effect than removing sources of stress. For DSG, this means that a leader must focus more on energy sources, in which the stressors also play a role, of course. So learn to think and frame positively.
As mentioned earlier: we recognize that engaged leaders, who inspire decisively and connect their followers, provide a working environment in which employees grow, flourish and thrive.